Yoni Oil

Yoni Oil

From $10.00

This natural Herb oil is used to fight odors restore PH balance which tighten skin and helps to fight bacteria

How To Use:

 Apply Yoni oil externally on top of the vagina or under the labia and throughout the vulva after bathing.


  •  Yoni herb blend
  • Coconut Oil,
  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado Oil 
  • Apple cider
  • Baking soda 
  • Yalng Yalng, Lavender, Tee Tree,Clove,Frankincense and Lemon

Warning: Discontinue the use of oil when irritation occurs. For external use only! Do Not Apply Directly into vaginal area.Not recommended for children. For those who have sensitive skin and allergies review ingredients. Apply a small amount to the skin for testing .

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